Art+Science Now publication
We received an email from Stephen Wilson that his new book Art+Science Now is being published. He asked us a while ago for visual material of our installation and we’ve been selected as one of the featured works. The book gives a global overview of the ways in which contemporary artists draw on scientific and technological developments to explore new forms of creative expression. In the twenty-first century, some of the most dynamic works of art are being produced not in the studio but in the laboratory, where artists probe cultural, philosophical, and social questions connected with cutting-edge scientific and technological research. Their work ranges across disciplines—microbiology, the physical sciences, information technologies, human biology and living systems, kinetics and robotics—and takes in everything from eugenics to climate change to artificial intelligence.
This comprehensive overview covers an array of work produced by some 250 artists from America, Japan, Germany, France, the Netherlands, the UK, and elsewhere. It presents a broad range of projects, from body art to bioengineering of plants and insects; from music, dance, and computer-controlled video performances to large-scale visual and sound installations.
About the author
Stephen Wilson is Professor of Conceptual and Information Arts at San Francisco State University and co-editor of Leonardo, the international journal of art and science. He is the author of Information Arts, Using Computers to Create Art, and Art + Science Now.