I/O/I. The senses of machines
We’re proud to announce that Cell Phone Disco will exhibited for the first time in Spain as part of the upcoming I/O/I. The Senses Of Machines exhibition. It opens 22th of June and runs till 31th of January 2012.
I/O/I. The senses of machines (Interaction Laboratory) proposes an experimental and educational look into the relationship between man and machine at a time when new generation interfaces include natural interactive features and social behaviors. It is an exploration of new areas where interaction design is developed and generates new needs, disciplines and experiences.
Over the last forty years, information technologies have become part of our lives, producing major changes in how we relate to our environment. We live in an era, in which, objects and environments are endowed with more intelligence and more autonomy; machines are more sociable and communicate with humans and each other, and where designers have begun to understand the impact of their designs on humanity.
I/O/I. The senses of machines addresses interactivity on different levels and represented on a scale ranging from very simple devices that demonstrate the transmission of energy and their conversion into gestures, signals and data; to more complex systems where identical machines interact with each other and produce community behavior. All this is done with the intention of reflecting on the effects that we produce with the use of technology, the different scenarios where interactivity is present and the development of intelligent interfaces and their role in designing the future- in short, the technology, man and his environment.
About DHUB
Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) is a merger between a museum, a centre and a laboratory directed at promoting an understanding and proper use of the design world.